
The Art of the 1-Page Strategy: Storytelling Enables Business Growth

|1 hour

Do you have two minutes? Let me tell you a story. Creating a strategy used to be an arduous and lengthy process that lasted months and resulted in a document that was hundreds of pages: written once, but read never. In today’s business environment, who has that amount of extra time? Developing a strategy has become easier, with 15 pages replacing hundreds. But even 15 pages is 14 too many when trying to engage an enterprise in business growth. This complimentary webinar explores the Art of the One-page Strategy, showing you how to use storytelling to articulate business strategy and success.

Contact us at gartnerwebinars@gartner.com with questions about watching.

Discussion Topics:
  • Use storytelling to accelerate business growth
  • Techniques for developing an artful 1-page strategy
  • How a 1-page strategy fits within an executive presentation

Hosted by

Heather Colella

VP Analyst

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