Data Analytics

The D&A Emerging Technologies and Trends You Can’t Ignore

|1 hour

Technologies and trends have the potential to disrupt a broad cross-section of markets. As some technologies emerge, other technologies are constantly evolving and at different levels of maturity, momentum, and influence. So, how can D&A product leaders capitalize on this and understand which emerging technologies and trends they should focus on? In this complimentary D&A webinar, we provide the highest-impact and most important emerging technologies and technology trends, organized around four key D&A themes: weaving the data fabric; composable D&A; journey to decision intelligence; and next-gen and productive D&A. Learn how emerging technologies and trends are evolving, their potential impact, where they fit into your D&A strategy, and which are most impactful to your business outcomes.

  • Understand emerging technologies and trends according to 4 key D&A themes

  • Identify emerging technologies and trends that will impact your business outcomes

  • How to respond and adapt to a technology’s or trend’s evolution

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us atgartnerwebinars@gartner.comwith questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Alys Woodward

Sr Director Analyst

Sharat Menon

Director Analyst

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