Lead, Innovate and Optimize Your Software Engineering Teams to Drive Digital Business

Insights, resources and tools equip software engineering leaders to deliver scalable, secure digital products.

Transform Your Software Engineering Organization

For the software engineering organization to deliver value to business stakeholders and customers, its leaders need to:

  • Focus on creating and measuring business value, not technical outputs
  • Be obsessed with design and quality to exceed customer expectations
  • Attract, retain and develop the right software engineering talent

Use this strategic roadmap to mature your organization into one that can deliver the digital products and services that customers expect and the business needs to drive digital transformation

Begin Building a World Class Software Engineering Organization

Gain insights from Gartner research on the 3 key drivers of success over time for software engineering

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    Trending insights and tools for software engineering leaders

    Insights to enable faster, smarter decisions

    Hear proven tactics toattract, develop and retain critical software engineering talentin your organization.

    Learn how to modify IT governance and the IT operating model so the enterprise canrespond to market demands with speed and agility.

    Benchmark your emerging technologyadoption plans across organization.

    Turn uncertainty into opportunityby reimagining what your organization might need to prepare for.

    探索四个领导人可以采取的行动accelerate impact anddeliver the digital dividendsthat senior leadership expects.

    Resources and tools to drive stronger performance

    Gartner Digital Execution Scorecard™to unite the C-suite during investment decisions.

    Gartner Hype Cycle™research to discern the hype from viability with the evolution of technologies or applications.

    Gartner IT Scoregives you a custom, on-demand view of your function’s performance and maturity versus a benchmark peer group, and enables you to plot your improvement path.

    Gartner Magic Quadrant™research helps you find best-in-class vendors of software solutions and services.

    Gartner BuySmart™helps you make fast, smart budget and tech decisions.

    Capitalize on expert guidance

    Tap into the experience and knowledgeof more than 2,200 experts, including software engineering practitioners who can help you optimize your strategy, operations and tactics.

    We’ve been able to identify key technologies that we need to understand and establish one-on-one expert sessions to gain a deep insight into those technologies.

    Kevin Switala

    VP and CTO, Gannett Fleming

    Increase influence across the executive board by breaking out of silos

    89% of boards of directors now see digital as part of their overall business strategy. This makes cross functional collaboration with software engineering critical to business success. Leverage Gartner's research, insights, tools, diagnostics, and case studies to help further digital inititaives.

    70% of digital investments by 2025 will fail to deliver the expected business outcomes due to improper planning and execution.

    As CEOs look to develop digital initiatives that have the greatest impact for the business, they are relying on software engineering leaders for technical support. Executive and software leaders must work together to ensure they are aligned on prioritizing people and resources to deliver on mission-critical initiatives.

    Client-only access:为应用程序Moderniz选择正确的方法ation and Cloud Migration

    70% of companies don’t regain their prerecession growth rate following a downturn.

    CMOs are often tasked with owning the large-scale, customer-facing digital initiatives to support business growth and the technical budgets associated with them. Whether the software engineering leader is reporting into the CMO or is a partner and peer, their role in bringing these new digital touchpoints to market and that vision to life is critical.

    Client-only access:Use KPIs to Measure the Business Value of APIs

    By 2025, one in two organizations worldwide will have experienced an attack on their software development.

    Dramatic increases in digital investment bring increased cyber risk. It's essential that CISOs and software engineering leaders work closely together and take the best preventative measures throughout the building process to ensure security is a priority.

    Client-only access:Select DevSecOps Tools for Secure Software Delivery

    Product management ensures engineering teams are building the right product, providing input and feedback on market needs and prioritization, while software engineering leaders ensure those teams are building products right, by driving innovation and delivering greater value. Whether they’e on the same team or cross-department collaborators, it’s a critical partnership for product-centric development and delivery.

    Client-only access:Predicts 2023: How Innovation Will Transform the Software Engineering Life Cycle

    User experience/design professionals (UX/design pros) work either as cross-functional partners or as members of the product team to drive better user experiences — often a top priority for software engineering leaders. When these two roles partner effectively, they can set realistic expectations for production, keep up with demand and mange limited resourcing, while driving toward digital growth.

    Client-only access:Platforms and Tools to Scale the Delivery of High-Quality Software

    The CDAO and software engineering leader relationship often delivers most of the value of IT to the organization. Software engineering work provides the foundation to enable data and analytics across various business functions. D&A then provides key insights for AI/machine learning modeling and informs decisions on risk, credit, marketing promotions and sales acceleration. Whether on the same team or outsourcing, these groups must work in tandem to connect technical execution with data and strengthen business strategies.

    Client-only access:Activate Responsible AI Principles Using Human-Centered Design Techniques

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